Thursday, October 31, 2013


After the Dingle Peninsular we drove to Killarney which for me, has been the highlight of the trip. These images are at the Killarney National Park where we took a horse & trap ride around to a stunning waterfall.

Situated more or less within the National Park is Muckross House.  What can I say!  Completely stunning, when can we move in?

Dingle Peninsula, Co. Kerry

Stunning, incredibly rugged coast line around the Dingle Peninsula ... we took this route rather than the King of Kerry, apparently more beautiful and less congested.

There is farming land all along this peninsular, literally sheep and cattle grazing right up to the cliff fronts.  Here we had to give way to a flock of sheep.  The farmer was moving them from one paddock to another, only problem was the road running through the middle!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Burren & Cliffs of Moher / County Clare

Behind us, an ancient, very ancient megalithic tomb of around 5000 years old.  The landscape of The Burren is very rugged, wind swept and covered in limestone rock formations.

Monday, October 28, 2013

don't pay the ferry man ...

Yesterday we left Wimbledon around 6.30am for the 5 hour drive to Holyhead where we boarded the ferry to Dublin. About 1 hour into the trip the kids were a little green around the gills.

We did get to the other side but Bella, Ed and Charlotte were definitely worse for wear after the experience.  Bella has pointed out that this was our 3rd ferry trip and when was I going to get it that flying would be a much better alternative.  Point taken!

Kylemore Abbey / Conemara / Ireland

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

le Gai Paris

We had a whirlwind tour of Paris, one day only but we packed a lot in.  We plan to spend much more time there in the future ...

The day started very early, with a 2 hour drive to a town called Antony where we parked the car and trained into Paris.  I had signed us up to a 3 hour walking tour with a fabulous, very animated guide who was French but had an American accent when speaking English!  He had lots of interesting facts and figures and the kids really enjoyed it.

Bella in Jardin des Tuileries - notice the bird in the animation!!

Charli's royal pet corgi Prince George enjoyed the sights of Paris with us!