Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ticking some boxes

This week we have ticked a few more boxes. Charlotte started school and got off to a great start. The school is lovely, small and everyone is welcoming.  Charli received 4 birthday party invitations during the week and when asked if she was a sporty girl or preferred singing and dancing, she belted out a couple of Adele songs giving her classmates the answer right away!!  She is also enjoying this terms sport which is rounders on a Monday.  This involves a bus trip to one of the local sports fields.  School starts at 8.30 and finishes at 3.50 so it is a longer day than she is used to and this caught up with her by the end of the week!

We have organised tutoring for Bella & Ed.  Another big tick. Their tutors are Kane & Cordelia and the focus will be maths & english plus some science for Bella.  They will be schooled from home with about 6 contact hours each week (2 days of 3 hours) plus homework.  

Bella and I have an interview at The Ursuline High School this week, which is where we hope Bella will go to school from September.  Fingers crossed & hopefully another tick!  Getting into schools over here is a complete nightmare, even for the locals.  

I am still waiting patiently to hear from Wimbledon College for Ed and will chase a little harder this week.  I have been told that he is number 1 on the waiting list but I still need to clarify the year level they will offer him.  Ed joined the Old Wimbledonians Cricket Club on Friday and the vast majority of boys in the team are going to Wimbledon College in September so that will be a nice ice breaker for him.

We have bought a car (tick) after managing to find an insurance premium that wasn't going to send us into bankruptcy (tick tick).  Most of the quotes were upwards of GBP2,000 which had us questioning whether it was even sensible to buy a car or just rent one when we needed to.  After lots of calling around I found a decent quote with Elephant Insurance so the car is going ahead - Elephant Insurance, what is that name about? Their logo and corporate image are very reassuring! I have been in stitches about it.

Yesterday we had a wander down the Portobello Rd.  I am a fan of fonts and vintage letter press printing blocks so I was very excited about creating the little DIY artwork above.  For those struggling with  the back to front text it says Isabella, Edward & Charlotte MacIsaac.  I already have Nic & David so I will slot those in along with the letters for L O N D O N and it will be a nice keepsake!! (I am itching for a creative project can anyone tell!)

The variety & quality of flowers over here is SUPERB and each time I pass a flower stand the camera comes out.  Look at those peonies! The last picture in my collage was a shop front in Notting Hill  - in case you cant read it, the sign says "Mungo & Maud / cat & dog outfitters" HYSTERICAL and definitely for posh pooches only!

Mac and I had a lovely walk through a tiny edge of the Wimbledon Common this morning.  The common is 1,100 acres in total.  The houses around the common are TO DIE FOR and the feel is very rural and villagey.  The common is mostly in its natural wooded state with wide tracks weaving throughout.  I was half expecting Robin Hood to ambush us on the path and if you look closely you might see a Womble!!

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