Thursday, May 16, 2013

London bound ...

Three very excited people going overseas for the first time!

Enjoying our time at the pointy end of the plane.  Ed slept for only 3 hours of the 24 hour flight.

We got through immigration & customs in record time - it all felt a little too easy actually.


  1. Great to see you arrived safely. (Mikey has been thinking about Ed. I'll show him the pics when he gets home.) I hope the settling in goes well.

  2. Thanks Geraldine. Everything has gone very smoothly so far right down to our Waitrose online order arriving at 7am on our first morning in the house. Kids very excited to be here but the jet lag is taking its toll. Nic x

  3. How will those little people ever go economy again? They look like travelling business class is the most normal thing in the world! Jus

  4. I know !! Ed slept only 3 hours of the 24 hr flight - how will he manage in economy!! Nic x
